First Friends By The Sea is a very small and intimate “Reggio inspired” infant, toddler, Preschool & Childcare program located in a safe and secure location in Kentwood at the lovely Holy Nativity Church. Corner of 83rd Street & Dunbarton,on the bluff above Playa Vista near LMU. First Friends goal is to provide the communities of Marina Del Rey, Playa Del Rey, Playa Vista, Westchester, El Segundo, Kentwood and surrounding West L.A. area with a personal program providing infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with a quality child development program. First Friends By The Sea welcomes all children and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, nationality, or ethnic background.

The children can paint with different media, sculpt with clay, create with play dough, make a collage, draw, sketch, explore science activities. The children may decide to build with blocks, play with manipulatives and puzzles, pretend with dramatic play and puppets, hear a story, or participate in a literacy activity and daily circle/music and movement time (using musical instruments engage in outdoor classroom curriculum, take a stroll or nature walk in the garden. Enrichment classes include and not limited to: Plant protectors gardening class, Music and drum circles, yoga, drama, intro to languages & cooking.



We believe that every child is unique and develops at their own pace. Knowing this we believe that early childhood education is part of a crucial foundation for life, and is critical in a child’s physical, intellectual, cognitive and emotional growth. Children need an environment where they feel loved, and feel safe physically, emotionally, and spiritually. First Friends practices a developmental and progressive philosophy in a lovely environment offering both child initiated and teacher directed activities. We believe children learn though play and exploration with direct experiences. Our curriculum is designed to enhance development of the whole child.
Our classrooms lead directly out to a big yard & patio with garden area, sand play, butterfly garden, chalk play, outdoor classroom, mud kitchen , dramatic play, dump trucks and trikes. We take nature walks in the garden, music and story time. We also offer teacher directed and child initiated projects such as art, science, cooking, gardening, music and movement, early literacy (stories), block-building and intro to languages.

Interested in learning more about our program?
contact our director
Tracie West
6700 W 83rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA
(310) 227-9613

Business Hours
Monday : 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday : 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday : 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday : 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday : 8:00am - 5:00pm
Weekends : Closed
If you would like additional information, contact us!